Become a U.S. Citizen
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Become a U.S. Citizen

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services provides information for people to become U.S. citizens at birth or after birth.

Most applicants that apply to become a U.S. citizen after birth are required to take a naturalizaton test.

Become U.S. Citizen at Birth

For citizenship at birth:

  • Born in United States - or one of its territories or possessions under U.S. jurisdiction; OR
  • Born abroad - at least one parent that is a U.S. citizen at time of birth, and other requirements

Become U.S. Citizen After Birth

  • Apply for naturalization; OR
  • Apply for citizenship through parents

Take the Naturalization Test

Take a test on:

  • English
  • U.S. History and Government (Civics)

Study materials and sample tests are available to help you pass the naturalizatoin test.