FBI Issues Smart TV Privacy Warning

Smart TV and person's hand with remote

FBI Issues Smart TV Privacy Warning

Image Credits: 
Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

The FBI recently issued a privacy and security warning for Smart TVs.

Most all new televisions are Smart TVs that have features like cameras, facial recognition, and microphones. According to the Oregon FBI, 'There are also devices coming to market that allow you to video chat with grandma in 42” glory.'

While these features are designed to improve and personalize content programming, they are suceptable to hackers and other non-intended uses world-wide.


Action Steps to Protect Your Privacy

According to the FBI, the following steps are designed to keep you and your family safe and are listed on FBI's Oregon field office website. 

  • Learn the features your TV has and how to best set them up and control them.
  • Search the internet for your model number and the words “microphone,” “camera,” and “privacy.”
  • Don’t depend on the TV's default security settings.
  • Change passwords if you can – and know how to turn off the microphones, cameras, and collection of personal information if possible. If you can’t turn them off, consider whether you are willing to take the risk of buying that model or using that service.
  • If you are unable to turn off the camera, place a piece of black tape over the camera eye.
  • Check the TV manufacturer’s website for security patches.
  • Check the privacy policy for the TV manufacturer and the streaming services you use. Confirm what data they collect, how they store that data, and what they do with it.

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